Auto rate increases across the board - what can you do?

I know we've all been there before - you open up your car insurance renewal documents and hold your breath until you see it... the new renewal premium. What can feel like an ever increasing number, your auto premium is influenced by a number of factors - many out of our control.

These factors we'll call "at-large factors". Many of these are out of the control of us in our daily lives, though our driving habits can contribute to the overall good of premium amounts. At-large factors include: the number of drivers listed with an insurer, the claims that those drivers report each year, economic factors like inflation, availability of parts, and cost of labor. But luckily, there are some things that you can control in your daily driving habits to reduce your auto premiums. Practicing safe driving is an easy thing you can do to protect yourself and others. You can also take advantage of safe-driving apps that many insurers offer and complete safe driving classes offered through AARP, AAA, and others. If you do damage your car, in an accident or otherwise, weighing paying the damage out of pocket vs. filing a claim can also help save on your premiums for the next period.


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