Easy Ways to Save on Your Utility Bills This Winter

The holiday season is quickly approaching – and with that, most of us are adjusting our budgets as we prepare to buy presents for our loved ones. In 2020, it’s estimated that the average American spent anywhere from $650 - $850 on holiday gifts. If not only to add to the stress of the holidays, as the temperatures drop, our utilities can often add to the budget stress. Luckily, there are several things you can do to keep your utility bill from skyrocketing this winter.

1.       Lower your thermostat – lowering your thermostat even a couple of degrees can really add up in the long term. Throw on a sweatshirt, some cozy socks, and a blanket to stay warm, while shedding potential costs off your electricity or gas bill. This trick is especially handy if you are leaving the house for an extended period of time.

2.       Fix drafty doors and windows – repairing air leaks on any doors and windows has the potential to save you up to 30% on your energy bill each year. An easy test to see if any doors or windows need some love is the flashlight test. Have someone shine a flashlight into the edges of windows and doors – if you see light from the other side, weatherproofing is probably needed. Weatherproofing is as easy as applying a thick weatherproof tape, found at most local hardware stores.

3.       Seal off any unused rooms – if you have rooms in your home that don’t get used as often, seal them off so that your heating system won’t have to work as hard to heat space that is not being used.

4.       Replace light bulbs – with the shorter days and less light hours, it can be beneficial to replace traditional bulbs with more energy-efficient light bulbs. While using more energy efficient bulbs can cost more upfront, they can last up to 10 times longer than traditional bulbs.

5.       Install a programmable thermostat – programmable thermostats can save you up to 30% on your utility bill by allowing you to program the times you would like the thermostat to go up or down. This helps not only keep your home comfortable during the day and at night but can be more cost-effective compared to turning your heat off during the day. The sudden jump in temperature when turning the heat off and on can cost you more and could lead to pipes freezing in extreme weather.

With a little bit of effort and some minor changes, the focus of your time can be on loved ones and celebrations, not on higher bills.


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